
DARLIN’ (2019) Movie Review, Fantasia 2019

Darlin’ Movie Review Overview: A feral teenage girl is taken into strict Catholic church care and prepared for her First Holy Communion.Director: Pollyanna McIntoshProducer: Andrew van den HoutenStarring: Lauryn Canny, Bryan Batt, Nora-Jane Noone Gavin’s Review The path to this film is long and winding through multiple mediums going back almost forty years. In summary,

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DEODATO HOLOCAUST (2019) Movie Review, Fantaspoa 2019

Deodato Holocaust (2019) From the makers of “FantastiCozzi”, a new documentary about the life and career of controversial Italian director Ruggero Deodato. Director: Felipe M. GuerraStarring: Ruggero Deodato, Willie Aames, Luca BarbareschiGenre: Documentary Movie Review Some directors are demanding. Others are difficult. But only one was accused of killing his actors. “Deodato Holocaust” tells the

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